Natal Chart Readings
This reading identifies your life purpose, enhances your self-awareness and provides an in depth look into your personality and constitutional nature. This reading advises on how to live in harmony with yourself, others and the universe. Will need to provide date of birth, time of birth (if known), and location of birth. $90
These sessions can be done over the phone, internet or in person. Reserve 1½ – 2 hours for this session.
Compatibility Readings
This reading helps you gain a better understanding of a current or future relationship; intimate, family, business or otherwise. Learn about the energetic dynamic of this relationship, understand its strengthens and weaknesses and get advice about how both of you can live in harmony. Will need to provide date of birth, time of birth (if known), and place of birth for both parties. ***Good to lay the ground work with a natal chart reading or to already know your natal chart before a compatibility reading. $90
These sessions can be done over the phone, internet or in person. Reserve 1½ – 2 hours for this session.
Transits Reading
This reading assesses the influence of current transiting planets within your natal chart. This gives you a clearer idea of what energies are influencing you. It helps to bring clarity to current transitions, challenges or to shed light on how to make positive lasting changes in your life. ***Good to lay the ground work with a natal chart reading or to already know your natal chart before a Current Transits reading. $90
These sessions can be done over the phone, internet or in person. Reserve 1½ – 2 hours for this session.