Chinese Bodywork
“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” Chinese Proverb
Chinese bodywork uses a wide array of therapeutic massage techniques to address health concerns. It is a fundamental part of Chinese Medicine because the use of pressure and physical manipulation along the meridian system offers something unique that both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine cannot achieve alone. Chinese Body work invigorates the movement of blood and qi in the body through the use of touch and pressure. It balances tension and weakness, and can also focus on larger areas, sinews and tendons without being restricted to the acupuncture meridians and their points as acupuncture itself is. This therapy can stay superficial or work more deeply, and through the use of varied pressure and therapeutic techniques, it removes stagnation, builds strength and releases tension that is trapped in joints, muscles and the meridian system itself. There is nothing quite like the medicine of massage.